I tried a Pink Salt Body Scrub…and I was pleasantly surprised!

When I saw the Dr. Teal’s Pink Himalayan Body Scrub at the store – I was equally excited and terrified. Here's my review. 

4 minute read

Pink salt is making its rounds in the culinary world for its supposed benefits of around 60 minerals. Pink salt packs a mineral-punch when compared to regular table salt that’s highly refined and has all the minerals stripped from it. I’m also seeing a trend in the grooming industry where a lot of products are using superfruits, extracts and minerals. So when I saw the Dr. Teal’s Pink Himalayan Body Scrub – I was equally excited and terrified. Here’s my apprehension. Traditionally, sugar is used in body scrubs because of its humectant capabilities – it helps skin draw water and improve skin texture. On the opposite end of the spectrum there’s salt. Salt has been widely demonized for its ability to dehydrate and cause bloating. You can spend an hour in the beach and quickly realise what saltwater does to your skin! However, I came across an article by American Made Beauty that researched that salt replenishes some of the minerals in your skin. Minerals typically not found in sugar. So I guess by now you can understand my contrasting views when I spotted the salt scrub on the shelf of my local beauty supply store. I bought it, tried it and have some opinions about it that I’m going to review in this post.

First Impression
There’s nothing special, modern or particularly interesting about the physical packaging. In fact, it’s one of the more boring product packages I’ve ever seen. What really stood out to me – even when it was lined up against other scrubs from the same brand is that it was a pink salt scrub. This main ingredient definitely caught my attention in ways the other scrubs did not. When I opened the product I was pleasantly surprised by the smell. Pink salt smells incredible!! Kidding.. Salt doesn’t have a smell. The formula is mixed with other citrus extracts and oils like coconut and jojoba. It’s a very gender neutral scent but leans towards more on the masculine side because of the intensity and strength of the scent.

The Scrubbing 
In the shower, I applied the product on my wet skin and followed the technique like they do at the spa – making big circular pressurised strokes. My problem areas were my knees and elbows so I spent a little extra time on those parts. The product directions doesn’t state this but this is not a product for your face because of the irregular, extreme and sharp nature of the salt grains. I went ahead and lightly massaged my face with the product. I even tasted it! It was salty of course but also very citrusy and not in a tangy way. I left the scrub on for 15 minutes and then washed off.

After Effects
My skin felt incredibly smooth after and the oils lingered on my body which was pleasantly surprising. My face got a little scrapped because I went in too hard with the scrub but that was totally my fault! Had areas of redness on my forehead and nose bridge. Overall, it executed a really impressive scrub that I never really got before from a non-spa store bought body scrub. My real problem was an hour after. My skin felt incredibly dry and tight. I deliberately did not moisturise because I thought the oils from the scrub would have locked in moisture.

Final Thoughts
My thoughts on the Dr. Teal’s Pink Salt Body Scrub is that it deserves 4 out of 5 stars for me! It did the job really good; the branding and packaging wasn’t the most luxurious or impressive, but it was simple and no-nonsense which I also appreciate. Skin felt incredible after using the product and it wasn’t overly feminine as most scrubs tend to be in terms of scent. My two problems with the product was that it can’t be used on the face because of the extreme and sharp edges of the salt grains. I would not ever recommend anyone using this on their face but I will continue to use it on mine because I know how to control the pressure and how long to exfoliate which, a novice to body scrubs would not know. My other problem was that the salt perhaps dehydrated my skin and I really needed to do double duty on the lotion after the scrub. Other than that, it was a really great scrub and you won’t be disappointed if you get your hands on this scrub! I’m definitely going to buy it again.
