Want better skin? Here’s 3 Tips to get it! (...but not overnight)

Skincare is a marathon. It must be endured – because to be honest, it’s going to get downright annoying at times. You must be focused, motivated and have endurance to reach your goal of better, healthier and more manageable skin. 

3 minute read

If you’re now starting off your grooming and skincare marathon this is the post for you. If you’re a veteran and grooming aficionado, I encourage you to continue reading because we always love getting back to basics with our grooming routines especially when it starts getting overly complicated and confusing. I akin skincare to a marathon. It must be endured – because to be honest, it’s going to get downright annoying at times. You must be focused, motivated and have endurance to reach your goal of better, healthier and more manageable skin. In no way, form, or fashion is grooming a sprint. You won’t achieve your goals overnight and you certainly wouldn’t reach your goal with one magical product or set of products that you have to buy every month. Marketing. Hogwash. Less is more in grooming and this is why I’m getting into three fundamental tips to get better skin. Let’s get into them:

     1. H20
Water is life. Are you meeting your recommended daily intake of water? If not, chances are you’re dehydrated, probably constipated and irritated because you’re constipated and have poor skin. You want to ensure that you’re appropriately hydrated and I use this hydration calculator to ensure that I’m well hydrated. I’m supposed to consumer 0.5 litres of water (or a standard 16oz bottle) every hour. The calculator is personal and takes in a variety of factors to get your results. Staying hydrated is the most basic and fundamental practices for skin health. So get your life!

2. Cleansing
If there’s one thing that you absolutely must do to get better skin – it’s this! Ideally, it’s a three-pronged process that includes cleansing, toning and moisturizing however, this process deserves its own post which I’ll get into another time. Right now, I want to keep it fluff-free for my newbies. Cleansing entails washing your face with a good face wash in the morning right after you wake up and right before you go to bed. In between during the day is optional but is totally dependent on what your day is like. Cleansing lifts any oil, dirt and dead skin cells that lay on your epidermis. DO NOT use those 10-in-1 body, shampoo, laundry and beard washes. Let’s put it like this. You wouldn’t use dish washing liquid to wash your car. It might get the job done but at the cost of degrading the car’s protective wax. Same concept applies to your face. Buy a cleanser specifically for your face. These all-in-one multipurpose products are usually way too chemically harsh for your skin.

Are you getting enough sleep? Yes, sleep is directly related to your skin health (among other important general health concerns). When you sleep, your body’s hydration rebalances and growth hormone production increases which allows damaged cells to become repaired. You’re probably saying right now, “Well, that’s all great and stuff Keef, but my job/work/schedule/commitments don’t allow me to get adequate sleep.” Here’s what I recommend. Use this sleep calculator. It takes into consideration the times you usually go to bed and provides optimal times for you to go to bed based on naturally occurring sleep cycles. If this doesn’t help then this is an area of concern for you where you may be overworked and need to consult with a life coach to get your stuff, bro!

If you follow these three fundamental tips then you’d see a massive improvement in your skin’s health. You can’t expect to do these practices for a week then think you’ll miraculously have the amazing skin you desire. Nor can you say, “I’ll take this week off and double up the following week.” It doesn’t work that way. Always remember it’s a marathon, you have to be consistent and endure with these practices to get the long-term and lasting results you want. 
