He’s one of Trinidad’s BEST Life Coaches!

It wasn’t hard to approach Arnold then about his life coaching practice; where otherwise, had it been someone else who I did not know, I would not have approached them.

4 minute read

When I first started working and starting off in my career, I had a difficult time in managing personal areas of my life including work-life balance, achieving personal goals, creating a vision for my life and really tapping into my full potential. At the same time, when I started experiencing discomfort in my personal life a life coach so coincidentally started renting one of the conference rooms at my workplace for his business workshops and coaching sessions. Ever since I witnessed him (from the outside) doing his workshops, I was really intrigued, curious and bit desperate to create some much-needed change in my life.

I knew Arnold Best and his wife as they were business people in the fashion industry who owned a fashion apparel manufacturing factory and also owned a prominent fashion retail outlet for their private label brand which they manufactured themselves. It wasn’t hard to approach Arnold then about his life coaching practice; where otherwise, had it been someone else who I did not know or was seeing for the first time, I would not have approached them. Probably trust had something to do with it as life coaches will delve deep into your personal life but a lot of it had to do with my own insecurity around approaching new people – which Arnold addressed but we’ll touch on that in just a second!

Sitting in that room after agreeing to meet with Arnold for our first session – I was nervous, anxious, excited and confused. I had no particular reason or rationale for beginning life coaching, but I knew deep down that it was something that I really needed. Now, knowing Arnold in a different capacity before made me feel a tad bit relaxed. It wasn’t a situation where I feel like I was trying to get to know someone and have that person try to get to know me too. I also know that Arnold is a Taurus, who are some of the most practical, reliable and trustworthy individuals of the zodiac. I especially needed someone to balance my more esoterical nature as a Leo. I was in capable hands with Arnold Best.

Now I’ll say this, a lot of people nowadays have a few hundred followers on social media, a strong opinion and feel like they could be a motivational speaker or have some kind of resemblance of a life coach as their career. Even people who’ve had personal accomplishments such as money, cars and material wealth feel like those things qualifies them to be some kind of professional life coach. While all those things are really fantastic and does help you to aspire – a pretty Benz does not a life coach make. Arnold Best is literally the best because he’s been trained by the best and is simply a professional who is dedicated and dare I say his purpose in life is to be a life coach! For starters, he’s been trained with Tony Robbins – the godfather and most prominent life coaches of our time! He’s also been a part of numerous international master classes and is someone I know who is constantly refining his life coaching practice. Safe to say, I think the man knows what he’s doing!

I’m not going into details of what my ten sessions with Arnold entailed. The reason being is that every individual’s personal challenges differ. Therefore, the process and things you’re required to do with Arnold changes depending on the person. His style is to develop a system created specifically for the individual to help them achieve their goals by overcoming obstacles related to their experience. It would be highly remiss of me to talk about what I had to do as if it was some kind of indication as to how your process would turn out. What I will say is this: If you do the work, be open with the life coach and trust the process, you’ll achieve success!

The reason I’m even talking about this on my blog is because while I mainly talk about grooming as a means of self-care and self-love; there comes a time when we need a more practical and albeit, kick-in-the-ass through a drastic intervention in our lives! Of course, I promote that through grooming, when we feel better about ourselves and how we look, we show up 100% to realise our purpose. But of course, it’s not as easy as getting a haircut and buying some nice shoes and expect our problems to go away. I hope to touch on some key aspects of self-care outside of exclusively grooming which includes the intervention of a life coach. I’m a no BS and straight-shooter kind of guy and if you feel that an area of your personal life needs improvement – I highly recommend you seeing Trinidad’s best, Arnold Best!
