I Tried a Jelly-Peddy Foot Bath for the first time!

When the foot bath was ready, and I plopped my feet into it – I was immediately like “wow!”.

5 minute read

Now you guys know that I’m huge on self-care through grooming and one of the oftentimes overlooked aspects of our grooming regimes is taking care of our feet. Our feet are probably one of the most neglected body parts when it comes to grooming – hoping that when we shower the soap from above would somehow wash and take of the feet and toes. I myself have been guilty of not caring for my feet as I should – although I do always ensure that my toenails are well-trimmed. When Fendi’s Spa told me about their new Jelly-Peddy service, I had to try it out immediately!

I’ve been going to Fendi’s Spa for years and if you’re interested in reading my review about the spa, please feel free to read this article. Before I went into Fendi’s to do the Jelly-Peddy, I of course, went online to get some reviews about this type of pedicure because I honestly never heard of it before and it just sounded really cool! Unlike traditional pedicures that are no-frills and offer standard clean, cut, trim and buff procedures – the Jelly-Peddy service includes steps before and after your standard pedicure. What I really found interesting during my search online was that the Jelly-Peddy is often used as a light sports foot therapy. It relieves aches and pains associated from high intensity training although it is not a substitute for deep tissue sports massages. In essence, the jelly locks in heat around the feet that helps to alleviate short-term foot pains. Heat therapy is just one of the major benefits of the Jelly-Peddy.

I arrived at the spa and was immediately asked what aroma I wanted out of the five or six options. Tea tree and peppermint stood out to me because I love the smell of anything minty and I know that tea tree has a lot of benefits for dry skin, inflammation and is an antimicrobial that would kill any foot-funk! When the foot bath was ready, and I plopped my feet into it – I was immediately like “wow!”. At that point the bath was about 50% in complete jelly form and was still thickening. It was super warm and incredibly relaxing. Of course, with the jelly in between my toes I couldn’t help but swoosh and wiggle my toes in the jelly! The aroma wasn’t as strong as I would have expected it to be, but I figured, once the tea tree and peppermint was doing what they were supposed to be doing for my feet – I didn’t have a major problem with that!

My feet were left to soak in the jelly for about 12-15 minutes or so. It could have been less but during the soaking I stirred up some conversation with the aesthetician about the benefits of the Jelly-Peddy and she (Waenie) basically reiterated everything I came across online. What was extremely unique about the Jelly-Peddy at Fendi’s was that the entire formula was made with some really premium ingredients (like the tea tree and peppermint extracts) and it was paraben-free! Parabens are a class of chemical formulas that helps to preserve beauty and grooming product shelf-life. In short, it’s an artificial preservative that can actually be absorbed into the body and are linked to tumours, cancer cell growth acceleration and reproductive issues. If you want to read more about Parabens, this article from Elle has some really good information about the chemical. All in all, it was really good to know that the Jelly-Peddy was paraben-free!

After the super relaxing and informative soaking sessions, Waenie added a dilution mineral into the jelly bath to disaparate the jelly into a robust liquid packed with additional minerals for your feet! By this time, one foot is getting the cuticles taken care of and the other remained in the now fully mineralised liquid bath. Then the standard pedicure procedure really began. This included cuticles, nails, buffing and callous treatment. I have a sort of kind of I guess, Tailor’s bunion on both my feet and that area tends to get really layered with callouses, so Waenie had to spend extra time grinding down those callouses. On a side note, I should probably get those bunions checked out but it’s not causing any serious medical problems (is what I keep telling myself!).

After I got my feet all cleaned up, exfoliated and buffed, Waenie put some kind of serum on my toes but at this point I was so relaxed that I didn’t have the care to ask what it was! Five minutes after, I got my feet massaged which added another layer of relaxation that was used alongside a lavender and vanilla extract that smelt incredible. The strength of that extract was what I was hoping for – for the Jelly-Peddy bath. At the end of the entire pedicure I couldn’t move – was so relaxed and at that moment decided to cancel the rest of my afternoon and just go home to chill! It was super good!

Final Thoughts
I definitely recommend the Jelly-Peddy from Fendi’s spa, no doubt about that! If you’re on your feet regularly, the Jelly-Peddy is perfect for you! If you sit whole day at a desk, I’d still recommend the Jelly-Peddy for you! It’s just something that everybody has to do! I’m a person that is equally on my feet as much as I sit at a desk, so I definitely enjoyed and benefited from the heat therapy of the pedicure. This entire experience made me realise how important our feet are as they affect our entire moods – evident from one really good pedicure session and also, we should really look to take better care of our feet more often!
