Moustache Maintenance

There’s a plethora of moustache styles to choose from which somehow makes the moustache maintenance and grooming a bit more complicated than it should be. Regardless, this guide will help you to carefully and in the simplest way – care for your moustache!

3 minute read

Moustaches are so cool! It’s one of those features that are classic, timeless and ultra-sophisticated despite being popularised by the trendy hipster movement. I decided to grow out my moustache a while back and did it in a handlebar style when I was also playing around with my look. I don’t have it anymore but I’m considering re-growing it as it looked so cool on me and acted as a great conversation starter! There’s a plethora of moustache styles to choose from which somehow makes the moustache maintenance and grooming a bit more complicated than it should be. Regardless, this guide will help you to carefully and in the simplest way – care for your moustache! Not let’s get into it:

Keep it neatly trimmed
Depending on the style of the moustache you have, you’d need to trim your moustache regularly. Shorter moustaches require more frequent cuts to maintain the length and longer moustaches needs fewer cuts to maintain the length and eliminate any split ends that would otherwise make it look unkept.

Exfoliating around and in the moustache is critical because dead skin cells, and even food can accumulate in and around the area making it susceptible to clogged pores, acne and razor bumps – even as new hairs penetrate the surface of the skin.

Shampoo and condition
Facial tends to be coarser than the hair on your head. Of “coarse” (get it?) this hair is more prone to becoming dry, itchy, oily and in dire need of conditioning. A good shampoo and conditioner will keep your moustache hair soft to touch and easy to manage. Besides, no one wants to feel dry, hard and prickly hairs on their lips or cheeks if you’re the distributor of kisses.

Caution when wet
Avoid trimming your moustache when it is wet. I made this mistake once and cut my moustache right after I washed my face. When my moustache eventually dried, it shrunk, and my moustache was thinner than usual. It wasn’t obvious or anything, but I still felt weird and self-conscious about it. On that note, also avoid using a blow dryer or any heat styling instrument. The hairs are already so dry, and the blow dryer would literally evaporate any moisture that the hairs were clinging to. Best to let the moustache air-dry which could take up to five minutes depending on its density.

Don’t forget to comb!
Having a knot or tangle in your moustache hair is not fun! It’s one of the most painful experiences ever! Well not really, but it does hurt like a bitch do de-tangle! Regularly combing your moustache can prevent those unwanted knots, especially if your style of moustache is based around long hair. Any fine-tooth comb or even an eyebrow brush can do the trick.

Moustaches aren’t that serious, and you should have some fun experimenting with your moustache look. Regardless of what style you opt for, follow these guidelines and you’ll kill your moustache game!
