This is how grooming will look like in the next 5 years! (Part 1)

We don’t know where the industry and our attitudes towards grooming will be in the next ten years. Instead, I want to take a more practical approach and look within the next five years. 

3 minute read

The male grooming industry is rapidly growing. The products category alone is expected to reach US$78.6 billion by 2023 and you could see why some of our favorite brands are rolling out new products faster than we could finish our last purchase! I’m not here to talk about shampoos and conditioners though! I want to shed some light on the emerging sectors that I suspect will become commonplace grooming practices within the industry. We could talk about the various statistics for the entire day but we don’t know where the industry and our attitudes towards grooming will be in the next ten years (as some grooming influencers are already predicting). Instead, I want to take a more practical approach and look within the next five years. Herewith, my opinions of I predict to be the norm of grooming for the next five years… part one!

     1. “Bro”-tox
As the life expectancy of men are increasing, we’re putting off retirement at a later age…because don’t we just love working! Consequently, this creates a pressure to keep up physical appearances with younger colleagues and hence, seek out non-invasive plastic surgery procedures. It’s a reason they’re called “lunchtime procedures” – you don’t have to take an extended down-time or go under the knife, like in traditional plastic surgery procedures to rejuvenate your appearance and quite frankly, who the heck does?! Modern day cosmetic procedures can be done is less than half an hour and they present less health risks than the traditional lifts, tucks and nips. A needle and syringe and some good ole’ collagen, juvederm, perlance or other dermal fillers can more effectively do the trick of removing worry lines, crows feet, dark circles and other age-adding facial imperfections. I’ve even read of an article where you can get “scro-tox” for the wrinkles on your balls… however, we’ll save scro-tox for another article!

2. Laser beard removal
There’s nothing new about laser beard removal. In fact, its been around since as early as 2012 but it’s becoming more popular now as laser technology and men’s attitudes towards grooming has changed. Not to mention, back then only a few spas and skin care clinics offered the service. Many independent spas offer this specialized laser treatment today and its much more affordable when it was first introduced. So why not just shave instead?! Well, for starters, razor bumps….period! You get razor bumps from shaving and then have to shave again to so you don’t get razor bumps from the first time you shaved… and it goes on until your face starts looking like a Baby Ruth instead of a baby-butt. The average guy could shave up to four times a week and I personally know guys who shave every morning. It’s not a procedure I’d personally do because I simply love my beard. However, I can see the benefits because you get a couple treatments done (or more depending on your consultation with the spa) and don’t have to worry about shaving for the next six to eight months! The procedure isn’t that expensive when you factor in the time you’ll be saving in the morning from not having to shave – not to mention, your skin will look amazing and razor-bump-free!
