This is how grooming will look like in the next 5 years! (Part 2)

We don’t know where the industry and our attitudes towards grooming will be in the next ten years. Instead, I want to take a more practical approach and look within the next five years. 

3 minute read

This is the second half of my post where I predict some of the emerging trends within the grooming industry that might be here to stay and soon to be common practice within the next five years. If you haven’t read part one, I’d love for you to read it before you continue and here’s the link. Continue reading if you already have.

     3. SPF
We know and have a good understanding of the negative effects of over-exposure to the sun. Yet, I still see brands are struggling to incorporate SPF formulas into their products. Case in point, the last two high-end facial moisturisers I bought didn’t have SPF in them and they were touted as an “all-occasions” moisturiser. Regular body lotions don’t even have SPF in them unless it’s a specific outdoor sun protective lotion. The only product that I own with SPF is a lip balm and it contains SPF15. However, the American Academy of Dermatology recommends between SPF30 and SPF50 for regular daily usage; and SPF100 for prolonged exposure to the sun like heading to the beach and outdoor sports. By the way, SPF stands for “sun protection factor” which is a relative measure of how long a sunscreen will protect you from cancer-causing UVB (sunburn producing rays) and UVB (photoaging rays). This is one trend that I predict to see envelop into grooming products as more and more information and cases of skin cancer studies are promoted.

4. Social Media Retail
This isn’t necessarily a direct grooming trend, but it definitely will impact the industry in a huge way in terms of how we acquire grooming products. Brands are no longer using social media as a means solely for the promoting products. Instead now, social media has evolved to allow consumers to buy directly from a social media post instead of having to visit the website or physical retail outlet. Instagram in particular has allowed brands to post up to five products in a single post which allows for a more seamless consumer experience. In essence, you see your favorite influencer post about a product, and you can buy the product immediately without having to leave the social media app. I expect that this would be commonplace as social media usage increases.

5. Herbs *cough cough*
And I’m not talking about patchouli!... That’s right, cannabis! There’s no denying that cannabis is getting more press time at the moment. Cannabis is also now a growing trend in the beauty industry as the drive for more naturally-derived and organic products are increasing. Other than the obvious recreational usage of cannabis, it also has super benefits for your skin when used topically in the form of lotions, serums and balms. Cannabis has anti-inflammatory properties that help with swelling, redness and various skin abrasions. The National Centre for BiotechnologyInformation found that cannabis is way more potent than Vitamin C and Vitamin E in combating wrinkles and aging. With that being said, I’d love to get my hands on a cannabis beard oil! I can definitely see a new wave of grooming products becoming staples that incorporate our little buds.
